Our research involves generally healthy women who are greater than 5 months (20 weeks) pregnant with a fetal diagnosis of congenital heart disease (a birth defect of the heart). If you meet the following criteria and would like to participate in the study, please contact Trupti Shah, RN, BSN, clinical research coordinator, at 314-362-1729 or E-mail shaht@wudosis.wustl.edu.
To be eligible, you
- Are pregnant with a baby that has been diagnosed with a congenital heart condition (defect) also known as CHD
- Must be able to give informed consent and authorization for health record release
- Are greater than 18 years of age
- Have a single baby pregnancy
- Your baby has no more than 3 extra cardiac defects (beyond the heart defect)
- Have not used fertility treatments for this pregnancy
If qualified you would come into our center for one 30-minute study visit. This can be done at same day as your other visits to our center. See our study brochure of visit requirement (pdf). After study completion you will receive a check for $15.00.
IF you cannot visit our center (BJC/SLCH). you can still participate by filling out our online health survey.
Although there may be no direct benefit to you, we hope that this study will benefit other babies/children with heart defects in the future.