Delivering the highest quality care to patients with heart and lung disease
As a pioneer in developing treatments for heart and lung disease in adults and children, the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery provides leading-edge medical and critical care, research and training.
Cardiac Surgeons
Washington University cardiac surgeons, as part of the only heart program in Missouri ranked in the top 13 nationally by U.S. News and World Report, are widely recognized as leaders in heart surgery. Working with a multidisciplinary team of specialists, cardiac surgeons offer the latest advances in technology and innovative therapies.

Thoracic Surgeons

Board-certified, internationally recognized Washington University general thoracic surgeons provide leading-edge respiratory medical and critical care, research and training. Conditions and the treatments offered include airway surgery, benign esophageal disease, esophageal and lung cancer and lung transplantation. The lung transplant program at Barnes-Jewish Hospital is among the most active transplant centers in the world.
Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgeons
Pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons treat children with congenital cardiac disorders ranging from atrial septal defects to complex single ventricle anomalies, neonatal surgery, surgery for congenital heart disease and tracheal reconstruction. The lung transplant program and pediatric heart transplant program at St. Louis Children’s Hospital are national and international leaders in the field.

By The Numbers

Operating Room Cases


Clinical Research Studies

$6.1 Million
Research Grants

Meet our Surgeons